One day in the life of Michaelleroi

Hey guys, welcome to my fanpasta. This story promises not to talk about Toby's girlfriend, also if you don't understand any of the jokes, it's probably because you don't watch bad creepypasta.
Before I start, I just want to say, me and my friend Nathan both had cancer, I killed it,but sadly Nathan lost his life to it, so for me, could you all donate to cancer research, or other cancer companies! Thank you and enjoy the story.
This story has been payed for by the Green World Order.
One day, Jacob was surfing the creepypasta wiki before school, looking for bad stories to make an episode on when he gets back. He couldn't find any, but if he didn't leave now, he would be late. You don't want to know what happens when anyone at his school was late. But I'm going to tell you anyways because this is a horror story, he would have to bend over the teachers lap, have his pants pulled down and spanked...Hard! He ran to school, when he arrived, he looked at the time. He was late. He swallowed and ran into assroom, he realized he had a new supply teacher, she had black hair,  1 green eye, and a clock in the other eye. Her name was miss Clockwork.
"Jacob! Why are you late?!" she meowed
"Miss Clockwork, I needed to surf the creepypasta wiki with my surf board so I can find bad creepypastas to read with my friends when I get home.
"I don't care!" she screamed with her cat voice. "Now bend over boi!" Jacob pulled his pants down, revealing a very shiny bottom, she held her hand high and was ready to smack him when she was interrupted by a loud scream.
"STOP!" it screamed, everyone looked at the boy at the back of the class, it was Jessie Wulf! "LET HIM GO!" he jumped really high in the air and kicked the teacher in the face. She fell off her chair and fell onto the floor, she was the first person in BCP land to ever fall on the floor and not do the dinosaur. Everyone was looking at Jessie and Jacob. Jessie held his hand out and helped him up.
"Thank you Jessie." Jacob said.
"No problemo, Roma." he replied. Everyone started clapping, but then, Mr. Thomas kicked down the door and pointed at Jacob and Jessie. They knew they couldn't fight Mr. Thomas, he was the toppler! He had approached them with an angry look, but then, by some miracle, Mr.GreenJellyBean had smashed through the window, got up and pointed at Mr. Thomas, of course, he wanted to impress his new wife Alisha.
"Get out of this class, you don't belong here!" Mr.GreenJellyBean shouted. Mr. Thomas was obviously scared, because who wouldn't be scared of a huge green jelly bean that can talk. Everyone was looking at Mr.GreenJellyBean, their jaws had dropped and they were dribbling. They wanted to eat Mr.GreenJellyBean!
"The students are turning evil." Mr.GreenJellyBean thought, would in be permanent?
"Mr.GreenJellyBean, sit next to me!" a female student called.
"No!" Mr.Green shouted.
"Please?" she asked.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mr.Green screamed. He held out his hand and shot a laser at the girl and she disintegrate.
"Come on you two! Lets get out of here!" Mr.Green called. Jacob came but Jessie wanted to place tnt everywhere. Mr.Green took Jacob home and went to take Alisha home. Mr.GreenJellyBean opened the door and saw Toby standing there with his arms (tentacles?) cross and his eye brow raised. (He was The Rock...WCW jokes :D, Like comment, subscribe)
"Why are you with Mr.GreenJellyBean!?" he screamed.
"I...I..." she stopped
"Because she loves me and I'm her husband, deal with it sucka!" Mr.GreenJellyBean turned into Booker T.
"CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA!" Booker T turned back into Mr.GreenJellyBean again. Toby turned into a very evil black dragon that was shooting fireballs from its mouth.
"Come on, lets go to my place!" Mr.GreenJellyBean called, he ran up the stairs and underneath Tobies bed because thats where he lived.
"We should be safe here." Mr.Green said. Toby flew away. Green and Alisha was obviously getting bored, they turned on the TV and watched the news. The news reporter was the detective from Jeff is back, I don't know his name.
"I was reading the newspaper and I made sure I brought my tv so I can watch the news and my generator so I can generate the music that makes me feel better, when I saw a huge black dragon flying across the sky, it was going toward the white house." Alisha and Green cuddled together.
"I just remembered something." Alisha said. "Matt lives next to the white house." that is in fact true. Mr.Green called Matt with his iPhone 21. Matt didn't pick up, that was when it hit him. Matt doesent have any hands, he doesent have legs, feet or arms. Green told Alisha that he had to save Matt from shadowwolfx500, or should he say shadowdragonx500. He walked all the way to the white house and saw Toby standing on top of Matt's house. He couldn't take him alone. He saw one person sitting next to a hedgehog on the curb.
"Hey!" he called to them. He turned around, one of them had a face of a bleached fished and the other, had black (drink) and red (drink) eyes. Accept they looked hyper realistic (3 drinks)
"What do you want?" the hedgehog said.
"You need to help me save my friend!" Mr.GreenJellyBean said.
"Why can't he save himself?" the human fish said.
"Because...He's..." Mr.GreenJellyBean was embarrassed to say, but finally gained the courage to tell them. "Because hes a computer." They laughed. the fish had a very evil laugh and the hedgehog had a kefka laugh.
"Alright we'll help." they said. "FISH POWER!" The bleached fishface screamed. He held out his hands fish came out and flew into Toby's face.
"Hyper Realistic (3 drinks) power!" the hedgehog screeched. Hyper realistic (3 drinks) blood (drink) shot out of the hedgehogs hand and went into Toby face as well.
"Shark Power!" the fishface man called. he pulled a shark out of his pants and hit Toby constantly with it. One shark wacking moment later, Toby flew away. The fishface and the hedgehog looked at Green.
"My name is Jeff." the fishface said. Green had a surprised look on his face, his real name was Jeff as well.
"My name is Sonic.exe" the hedgehog said. "I'm Jeff's second banana" Green had a surprised look on his face, his real name was actually Sonic.exe. Jacob ran to the scene, Jeff and Sonic.exe had an angry look on their faces.
"Green, your ok!" Jacob said. Jeff the fish pushed Jacob and pulled out his knife.
"You did a bad creepypasta about my story, not only the Jeff The Killer story but the Jeff is back story as well! You dick!" Jeff waved the knife around Jacobs face. "Now Jacob, its time to meet Mr.Angry eyes!" Jeff number 2 held Jeff the fish so he couldn't stab Jacob.
"Sonic.exe help me!"Jeff the fish screamed. Sonic.exe had a sad look on his hyper realistic face.
"Come on, we can finish them off!" Jeff said.
"I don't want to be a bad story. The only person I want to kill is JC Hyena for doing a shit job with my story!" Sonic.exe argued.
"We can help both of you. Just trust us." Jacob said. Green let go of him.
"Are you guys going to help me?!" Matt called. They had completely forgot about Matt. Toby flew back to the house, picked up Matt's screen from the hole in the roof.
"Guys help me!" Matt screamed like a little girl computer. "HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" They stoop on top of what was left of Matt's house. They saw president Axl come out of the white house. She was the president because Obama had been killed by a 12 year old boy, but he said it was because of a game. They saw a very deep and demonic Kefka laugh coming from the sky. They all looked up. No. It couldn't be. a very big Lord LOLSKELETONS could be seen in the sky, all of the sudden, lightning shot down from the sky and hit president Axl. she disintegrated and all that could be seen of her, was a pile of black ash, every creepypasta character was screaming out of their mind, even bootman bill was screaming, though not because he was scared, but because he was bored. LOLSKELETONS, using his gigantic fingers, he picked Sonic.exe up by the head and threw him into trollpastaland.
"Im sorry Jeff." Jacob said.
"What should we do? Set everyone free by killing LOLSKELETONS? Or killing Toby and save Matt?" asked Mr.GreenJellyBean. The answer was quite simple when Toby hit his head on a cloud and fell to the floor, they floated over to shadowdragon and he passed out, they picked up Matt, Jeff held the screen Mr.Green carried the mouse and Jacob picked up the keyboard. They took him to Mr.Greens place, but he was too fat to fit underneath the bed. 
 "Thank you guys for saving me." Matt said. "I will reward you 10,000 subscribers." They all partied when Mr.GreenJellyBean thought of a great idea, would in be permanent again.  
"Hey guys, let's do a bad creepypasta episode!" He said.
"Thats a great idea Green!" Jeff said.
"Hey guys welcome to another bullshit version of bad creepypasta episode, Unfortunately Toby can't be with us today because he bashed his head on a cloud. We are joined instead by Mr.GreenJellyBean, Jeff the Killer, Alisha, who is Mr.GreenJellyBeans wife and is totally not Toby's girlfriend and Matt." Jacob said, the story they were reading was called The Truth Behind Super Luigi. The rest of the night was fine...Or was it?
Jacob had woken up, it was all a dream. He found himself looking at the floor. The tried to get up.
"I don't think so Jacob!" a voice said, it was at that moment, Jacob was back in class, Miss. Clockwork held her hand high and was ready to spank Jacob, when a voice stopped her.
"STOP!" the voice said. "Let me quickly get my phone out so I can take a picture of it and put it on facebook!" the rest of the class started shouting yeah.
"Ok, quickly, but only one." Miss Clockwork said. They all started taking pictures of Jacob.
"NO! STOP! IM BEGGING YOU STOP!" Jacob begged and pleaded. Jacob felt something hard hit his arsehole, and that was the end.